Intergraph Smart® 3D by Hexagon for T&B cable trays and channels

T&B® Cable Tray content is now available for download into Intergraph SmartPlant® 3D software, a comprehensive 3D modeling and visualization solution for project design.

Use the link on the left to download a complete dataset containing product data for the following T&B® Cable Tray products:

  • Aluminum ladder tray - straight lengths and fittings
  • Steel ladder tray - straight lengths and fittings
  • Stainless steel ladder tray - straight lengths and fittings
  • Nonmetallic fiberglass tray - straight lengths and fittings

The dataset can be installed directly into your SmartPlant® 3D software. For more information regarding this software or how to install the dataset, please contact Intergraph directly.

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